impact psychological services

Fees & Policies

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.

– Eckhart Tolle

It is usually recommended to have a longer first session in order for you to have enough time to provide the relevant information, and for the therapist to gather sufficient details of your situation/condition. If you would like to schedule a longer first appointment, please request that at the time of scheduling the first session.

Fees & Policies

Fees Information

The fee schedule is in accordance with the recommended fee guide by the Psychologist Association of Alberta (PAA) for a 60 minute session. If more time is required or requested beyond the 60 minutes, then charges occur in 15 minute increments.

A detailed receipt will be provided upon payment receipt. Payment is required at the time of the parent feedback, when the report is provided for assessments, or at the time of the counselling session.

Payment can be made via credit card (most credit cards are accepted: MasterCard, Visa, American Express), etransfer, or cash.


While psychological services are not currently covered under Alberta Health Services, most benefits and extended benefits (such as a Health Spending Account) provide some coverage to offset the cost of services. There is great variety between insurance plans so it is encouraged that you contact your benefits provider to gather this information.


Privacy & Confidentiality

The information you provide a psychologist during the course of an assessment and counselling is confidential with the following exceptions as madated by law:

Contact with others involved in your care (e.g. teachers, physicians) will be discussed with you in advance and is only done with your written consent.

Record keeping practices are in accordance with the College of Alberta Psychologists of Practice regarding the maintenance and retention of records. All documentation is secured in locked filing cabinets and electronic data (e.g. assessment records) are encrypted and password-protected. Files are kept for 10 years, at which time they are destroyed unless requested in writing by the client to provide them.

Insurance companies may call the psychologist to confirm who services were provided to and the dates of sessions.

Missed Appointments & Cancellations

Please cancel appointments 24 hours in advance of the appointment.

Missed appointments will be charged at the rate of the session and must be paid prior to the next session.

Information for Post-Secondary Students

The Canada Student Grants program may cover a portion of the cost of your assessment.